Get to know the Candidates!

Esi Evans

When I reflect on my life it is my relationship with my father that fostered the most growth and transformation in my life.

My father was murdered by the police in 2002. I had a dream 2 days prior to his passing and I remember waking up crying.

Ours was a complicated relationship as my father’s hand and attention fashioned me in very particular ways .

Many marvel at the strength of my mind. My father was instrumental in that. He gave me all the reasons I’m so extra Black to this day. He also gave me the lil demons and subconscious patterns I’m still working through to make sure I don’t walk through the world in a wounded way.

I currently have a modest private practice where I serve as a somatic practitioner – with an emphasis on being with the states and emotions that people often which to deny and often have nowhere to go – grief, rage, despair and anger.

I also run a group entitled Human Slop for bride builders to learn the art of sitting in the fire of cross cultural exchange and dialogue. This work feels like my dharma as I continue to honor not only my own complexity – but the aliveness and wholeness that is every being’s birthright.

Neil Wade


I am committed to sharing my knowledge and experiences with others, acting as a bridge between different healing modalities and cultural practices. I envision collaborating with community organizations, wellness centers, and educational institutions to develop accessible programs and workshops that integrate somatic practices with martial arts, mindfulness, and cultural expressions. By doing so, I aim to inspire individuals to embark on their own healing journeys and create a ripple effect of positive transformation within their communities.

Andrew Cory Greene

Madison Nees

Much of my story and how I work with others is exactly about body alienation and self hatred. I dedicated much of my twenties to studying the modalities I now practice and I still feel as though something is missing, the body and all it’s deep and intricate wonder. This is where I believe the Structural Integration process can assist me in rounding out my practice and work more deeply with others.

Tanya Evans

My role as a social worker provided me with invaluable opportunities to witness the intricacies of human experiences and the complexities of interpersonal dynamics. Engaging with diverse individuals facing various challenges highlighted the subtle nuances of emotions and behaviors. As I worked tirelessly to empower and advocate for my clients, I was struck by the importance of self-reflection and emotional intelligence. Each interaction reaffirmed that the therapeutic process was not just about professional expertise but also about personal growth.

Entering the field of Neuro Somatic Integration is an embodiment of my life's journey. It's a convergence of my personal resilience, my commitment to facilitating healing, and my aspiration to lead a life aligned with my values. I firmly believe that my experiences as a woman of color, including my early struggles, provide me with a distinct advantage in fostering genuine empathy and rapport with clients who have faced their own traumas and challenges.

Kumi Owusu

There are three parts to a grain. The brown outer layer-bran, the lighter inner tissue-endosperm, and the gold core- germ. Processed foods abandon most of the nutritional value of the grain as it is made from the breakdown of the grain. I was born whole. In this contrived world, I have been broken down through structural oppression as outlined in the Nontraditional Approach to Social and Criminal Justice (NTA)- now Human and Healing Justice (HJ). Left unprotected, by my parents who were busy being absent, to bond with my trauma instead of my authentic self. Unknowingly, while I grew dependent on it for survival, I was sabotaging my health. For most of my life, I have grappled with these “refined” versions of myself. Since being in my 20s, I have seriously decided to deconstruct this false sense of enrichment and live more in my authentic energy. I am going against the grain I have become. My inner being has always been eager for information about itself. Being introduced to this institute by way of Healing Justice organizing reassures me that I am closer to this understanding for myself and just as importantly others.

Calvin Booker

Carmen Antonetty